Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Things Change

Whoo boy, who's ready for some full-on Cory psychosis? This is really one of the more entertaining themes of the show, when Cory just flips the hell out for half an hour. This never actually accomplishes anything, but it's good fun to watch. Plus, Angela gets more exposure here than she probably has in any other episode we've covered, which isn't saying much since she probably has three lines in this entire episode. But she's still hanging in there! Good for you, Angela!

Things Change:

Cory and the Funky Bunch are sitting around in Chubbie's, and Cory has all of their letters from Pembrook, which apparently all arrived on the same day, and also Cory is strange for checking his friends' mail. But whatever, he's done worse. So they all open their letters, and they've all gotten in, except UH OH, Shawn is only on the wait list! This prompts Cory to just go totally apeshit, because heaven forbid his friend might not be able to go to the same college as him! So Cory starts basically ruining the futures of other students by convincing them to go to worse colleges, totally destroying their lives just so he and his boyfriend can be in class together. See? I told you he's done worse.

Meanwhile, Shawn has taken a job at a photo lab, and is already able to develop pictures in a dark room, because apparently it is an easy skill to just pick up in a day or so. Cory barges into the dark room, which would totally ruin the pictures and probably upset the owner, but really, it's his own fault since he seems to have left his dark room easily accessible to anybody who wanders by. This scene isn't really important to anything, but it IS interesting to note that Shawn mentions his boss is named Johnathan. Mr. Turner opened a photo developing place after his motorcycle crash? Good to know!

The gang all meet up at Chubbie's again, and Shawn has gotten a new letter from Pembrook already! Even though it's been what, 2 days? Quick college. It turns out Cory destroyed enough lives to get Shawn in, but he has decided to work at the photo booth full time instead. Good decision, Shawn! Way to think things through!

At this point, Cory goes from being slightly neurotic to just straight-up asshole. He publicly humiliates Shawn, verbally abuses Topanga, and completely ignores the wants and needs of everybody around him. This episode so far has pretty much been all about Cory's rapid decline to the dark side. Kind of an Anakin Skywalker story, but with way more whining.

After finding out that Shawn isn't going to college and Topanga didn't get accepted to Yale, and being a total dick about both of those things, Cory runs to Mr. Feeny, because he seems to think that man has the right answer for ANYTHING. Pro tip: he does not. Cory tells Mr. Feeny to talk some sense into Shawn, and Feeny says that he was just on the phone with him and wished him good luck in his job. WHAT?! Not only is that terrible mentoring, but WHY IS MR. FEENY TALKING ON THE PHONE TO HIS STUDENTS?! This is not how a normal teacher behaves! This is how a creep behaves. But it gets worse! Turns out Feeny is retiring and moving to Wyoming. Even though Cory is moving on to college and this SHOULDN'T bother him, he flips out even more. Then Topanga shows up, and it turns out she really DID get into Yale! And I guess she was just joking earlier, about not being able to get in? Good joke, Topanga! You deserve to be verbally abused.

Cory and Morgan go to Chubbie's, where he talks about how Morgan is the only thing in his life not changing, which is kind of hilarious, since he is actually talking to the second actress to play Morgan. I would think this was some sort of intended irony, except it wasn't, because this is Boy Meets World we're talking about. So just as he's going on about his usual booth at Chubbie's, we find out that the restaurant has apparently been renamed Peg-Leg Pete's, and has taken on a pirate them. And by pirate theme, I mean that the waitress put on pirate clothes and the menu item names have changed, and absolutely nothing else has been done to the place. Cory gets upset AGAIN, although it's kind of understandable this time, since we saw during the scene transition that the sign out front still says "Chubbie's". During his ranting and raving, Eric shows up, says a few words to Cory, and everything is suddenly better. He is totally fine with the fact that people have plans outside of his control, and everything is just fine and dandy, until Eric takes over as drama queen and starts freaking out about the whole Feeny thing, which is even weirder, because he hasn't been Feeny's student for like 3 years now. Plus he thinks Wyoming is in Hawaii, thus completing Eric's rapid descent into "comic relief" territory. If your sitcom needs comic relief, it is probably time to rethink your sitcom. But it's still better than Rachel.

Things Shawn Can't Do:
Get into college on his own
Make smart life decisions


What Is Wrong With Feeny?:

Cory: "I need you to talk to Shawn"

Feeny: "As a matter of fact, I was just on the phone with him"

Why is this guy still allowed around children?

Quote Of The Episode:

We have a tie today, pretty much Cory just being a total dickface to his so-called "loved ones."

Cory: "Everyone, can I have your attention for a minute? My best friend, Shawn Hunter-"

Shawn: "I think I'm going to take the job"

Cory: "...is throwing away his entire life."


Topanga: "Cory, I feel awful."

Cory: "About what?"

Topanga: "Not getting into Yale."

Cory: "Yale?! Shawn couldn't get into Yale. I mean, YOU could hardly get into Yale!"

Ouch! Way to be a good friend, Cory!

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